People of Prayer

What does it mean to be a people of prayer?

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. (Ephesians 6:18, NLT)

People of prayer don’t just pray occasionally; for them, prayer is a lifestyle. They wake up praying, fall asleep praying, and they carve out time in their day to pray. They don’t surrender their time in prayer for anyone or anything. And they are marked by certain godly traits. Because they devote themselves to prayer so fully, their spiritual qualities stand out like bright lights.

People of prayer are centered, grounded in a confident faith that makes them stand firm in times of great shaking. When everyone else is panicking, arguing, and losing their peace, people of prayer have their minds fixed on the Lord. In times of tragedy, people of prayer are pressed but not crushed, hurt but still composed. In times of lack, they trust. In times of confusion, they patiently wait. In times of calamity, they find safety in God’s presence.

People of prayer forgive their offenders faster than they can apologize. They see the best in others, because they see with the eyes of the Spirit. They don’t demand their own way. They don’t need the last word. They are selfless, patient with the difficult ones.

They radiate with holy joy, and those who come around them are set free from heaviness. 

People of prayer walk in true power. They pray out sickness and cast out devils. 

People of prayer can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with both confidence and clarity. They don’t question Him when He speaks, and they’re quick to act on His instruction.

People of prayer love the Word of God, and they can discern when an idea is religious, demonic, or of the world. 

People of prayer believe extravagantly, give generously, love unconditionally, forgive freely, and walk with God. I pray that we all would become people of prayer.