The Holy Spirit Prays for You

Think about the fact that the Holy Spirit prays for you. The one Who knows you like no one else knows you, prays for you like no one else prays for you. We often seek impartation through God’s servants. But think about the exciting reality that the Holy Spirit prays for you Himself.

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. (Romans 8:26-27. NLT)

In those moments when we lack the words to pray, we can rely upon the divine momentum given to us by the Holy Spirit, for the Bible says that He prays for us with groanings - deep longing. Even when we lack that fire of prayer, He doesn’t. He never lacks passion. He prays for you with more fervor than would a father have while praying for his son, than would a grandparent have while praying for their grandchild, than would a mother have while praying for her children. He prays for you with groanings - passionately, fervently, with longing, from deep within.

If you could see into the realm of the Spirit, if you could watch the Holy Spirit pray for you, you would see Him with tears streaming down His face. You would hear Him praying with such force that His booming voice, the very same which spoke the world into existence, would shake the room. I dare even say that you would see Him pounding His fist on the floor as He prayed.

He knows you like no one else knows you - every flaw, every insecurity, every need, every thought. And He prays for you like no one else can pray for you.

And He doesn’t just pray with groanings. He prays according to the will of God. He bends you toward the will of the Father. He inclines your heart unto the commands of God. Every prayer He prays over you makes you more like Christ and corrects your course.

The Holy Spirit, the ultimate prayer warrior, the mightiest of all intercessors, prays for you.